The California Charities statewide network of agencies in California continues to deliver critical human services to vulnerable households across the state. In 2023, these efforts focused on benefit enrollment assistance, nutrition, healthcare access, emergency preparedness, disaster recovery, and immigration legal services. The Catholic Charities statewide network provided these services to over 1.2 million people in 54 counties.
Catholic Charities human services protect California’s most vulnerable populations. Our Catholic approach means that we believe in the dignity of every human person and we serve anyone who comes to us in need. For over 100 years, Catholic Charities have been embedded in California’s communities as trusted professional service providers.
The Catholic Charities statewide network is the largest non-profit provider of human services in California. This includes being the largest provider of:
Catholic Charities also operates multi-county human services programs on behalf of the California Department of Social Services. We are the State Management Agency for the Disaster Case Management Program and the Program Administrator for the Storm Assistance for Immigrants program. CCC is also the only non-profit that is a State Implementing Agency for CalFresh Healthy Living nutrition education.